179 were donated in April
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CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) Consumer Health Information Centre
CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) Corpus Hieroglyphicarum Inscriptionum Cretae
CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) Chatthuram Horilram Intermediate College
CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) Computer Human Interaction Center
chic rate
(Adjective) elegant
Usage: These clothes make you look chic.

chic rate
(Adjective) swanky
Usage: She looked very chic in the new dress.

chic rate
(Adjective) of a classy, upscale style
chic rate
(Adult / Slang)
1. Elegant; stylish; fashionable.

2. Or: chick , a girl or young woman, usually but not necessarily, attractive.

Quote: Greg Brady (C. D. Barnes) and Donna (Megan Ward) in The Brady Bunch Movie (1994):
-- Greg Brady: ' Hey there, groovy chic.'
-- Donna: ' Oh, great! Do I look like a yellow fuzzy baby bird to you? '

CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) City Health Informatics Centre
CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) Canadian Highway International Corporation
CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) Canadian Highways International Corporation
CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) Canine Health Information Center
CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) Caribbean Hotel Industry Conference
CHIC rate
(Abbreviation) Crossdressers Heterosexual Intersocial Club

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