179 were donated in April
This month, we are on track to donate 188



PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Palestinian Awareness Week
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Payload Adjustable Workbench
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Peace Action Wellington
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Personal Administration Wizard
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Physics Analysis Workstation
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Physics Around the World
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Pintupi Anmatyerre Warlpiri
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Plasma Arc Welding
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Position Adjustable Workbench
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Preserve Appalachian Wilderness
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Pride At Work
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Princeton Alumni Weekly
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Professional Adventure Writer
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Projector Augmented Wave
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Promoting Animal Welfare
paw rate
(Adult / Slang)
Early- to mid-20 th American usage meaning to fondle or grope someone sexually (in a crude or rough way) without invitation.
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Party for Animals Worldwide
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Project African Wilderness
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Protection of Animal Welfare
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Parent Advocacy Workbook
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Parents Are Watching
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Partner Access Website
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Partnership for Animal Welfare
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Pets Are Welcome
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Poker Affiliate World
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Policy Aware Web
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Protect America's Wildlife
PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Protecting Adult Welfare
paw rate
(Noun) The foot of a mammal that walks on all fours; foot of an animal with claws and/or fur.
Usage: The hyena lifted its wounded paw and had no choice but to hop along on three legs.

PAW rate
(Abbreviation) Parents are watching.
Usage: xoxblahxox says:

, *(*)haha(*), says:

xoxblahxox says:
so , what was the homework again?

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