179 were donated in April
This month, we are on track to donate 188



rice rate
(Noun) A white grain that is consumed. Provides nutrition.
Usage: Rice is very good to eat.

Rice rate
(Noun) A grain that is cheap and can be cooked in many ways and in many dishes.
Usage: We ate fried rice for dinner.

rice rate
(Noun) a grain food
Usage: i ate some rice today

RICE rate
(Abbreviation) Radio Ice Cerenkov Experiment
RICE rate
(Abbreviation) Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
RICE rate
(Abbreviation) Rest, Ice, Compression, Evaluation
RICE rate
(Abbreviation) Rhode Island College of Education
RICE rate
(Abbreviation) Remote Instrumentation Collaboration Environment
RICE rate
(Abbreviation) Research Institute for Care of the Elderly
RICE rate
(Abbreviation) Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate.

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