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male infibulation
Or: penis infibulation , in primitive societies, the partial stitching, clamping, or wiring together of the foreskin of the penis (or preputial orifice) to prevent sexual intercourse; it also made erection painful and masturbation impossible.SEE ALSO: hymenorrhaphy; infibulation.
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male begetting organ
male catcher
male chauvinist pig
male cleaver
male climacteric
male condom
male dominant
male genital appendage
male genital club
male genital dispenser
male genital mutilation
male genital probe
male genital teat
male gladiolus
male interfemoral infidel
male intruder
male knout
male mandrel
male member
male membrum erectum
male menopause
male monolith
male netherland(s)
male organ
male organ of generation
male organ of reproduction
male organon
male organs of generation
male organs of reproduction
male begetting organ
male catcher
male chauvinist pig
male cleaver
male climacteric
male condom
male dominant
male genital appendage
male genital club
male genital dispenser
male genital mutilation
male genital probe
male genital teat
male gladiolus
male infibulation
male insinuatormale interfemoral infidel
male intruder
male knout
male mandrel
male member
male membrum erectum
male menopause
male monolith
male netherland(s)
male organ
male organ of generation
male organ of reproduction
male organon
male organs of generation
male organs of reproduction