

antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) Opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in any country.
Usage: I believe in antidisestablishmentarianism.

antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England
Usage: When people are asked for the longest word they know, they often say antidisestablishmentarianism.

antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) The opposition of the separation of church and state, noticeably during the 19th Century with England and the Anglican church.
antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) the philosophy that there should not be an official church in a country
antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) A political position from 19th century Britain
Usage: Try saying anitidisestablishmentarianism three times fast!

antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) the act of going against closing down a holy or pious building
Usage: The antidisestablishmentarianism supporter was extremely peaceful and made no attempt to harm those who were demolishing his mosque, though he loathed them with every remaining brain cell in his head.

Antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Preposition) to be against the person against the law
antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) a long word (weird)
antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) the opposition of the disestablishment of the Church of England
Usage: When people are asked for the longest word they know, they often say antidisestablishmentarianism.

antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) The opposition of the separation of church and state, noticalby during the 19th Century with England and the Anglican church.

Derivation: anti-dis-establishment-arian-ism
antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) Originally, it was the opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England.
Now it is the opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in a country.
antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) Not for the government, but not necessarily against it.
antidisestablishmentarianism rate
resistance of those who oppose the connection betwixt belief and state
antidisestablishmentarianism rate
(Noun) The opposition of the separation of the church and the state, such as the separation during the 19th Century. This occurred between England and the Anglican Church.
Usage: The antidisestablishmentarianism of the state shocked the world.

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