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Street name for Rohypnol, a sleeping pill marketed in Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia by Roche Pharmaceuticals and which is reportedly quickly becoming the date rape drug of choice because when taken in combination with alcohol it causes disinhibition and blackouts lasting 8 to 24 hours. It is also known on the street as: Forget Pill / La Roche / Lunch Money / Mexican Valium / Pappas / R-2 / Rib / Roaches / Roachies / Roche / Roofies / Rope / Rophies / Ruffies; in Australia it is sold as Stupefi; journalists have called it The Quaalude of the '90s.(Abbreviation) Regal Zonophone
(Abbreviation) Revolutionre Zellen
(Abbreviation) Racist Zionist
(Abbreviation) Restricted Zone
(Abbreviation) Reuters Zogby
(Abbreviation) Richard Zybert
(Abbreviation) Regeneration Zone
(Abbreviation) Return to Zero
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