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Brown family
Or: Browning family / Browning Sisters , among American gays:1. The male homosexual community and subculture or gay men collectively.
2. Gay men devoted to anal copulation. In both cases, usage may be humorous, dialectical, or disparaging.
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brown all 'round
brown artist
brown bag special
brown berry
brown Betty
brown boy
brown bucket
brown bullet-hole
brown burp
brown cherry
brown daisy
brown dollars
brown eye
brown eye miner
brown eye pie
brown eyes
brown hat
brown hatter
brown hole
brown house
brown job
Brown Joe
brown lips
brown log jobbie
brown madam
brown pipe engineer
brown shower
brown star
brown sugar
brown trout
brown Windsor
brown artist
brown bag special
brown berry
brown Betty
brown boy
brown bucket
brown bullet-hole
brown burp
brown cherry
brown daisy
brown dollars
brown eye
brown eye miner
brown eye pie
brown eyes
Brown family
brown handkerchiefbrown hat
brown hatter
brown hole
brown house
brown job
Brown Joe
brown lips
brown log jobbie
brown madam
brown pipe engineer
brown shower
brown star
brown sugar
brown trout
brown Windsor