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lay one's eyes on
Or: clap (one's) eyes on / lay eyes on / set (one's) eyes on , to look at, to catch sight of.
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lawyer up
lay in state
lay a cable
lay a fart
lay cable
lay down
lay eyes on
lay it on the line
lay it out
lay language
lay off with
lay pipe
lay shaft
lay some pipe
lay somebody
lay the hip
lay the leg
lay the lip
lay the log
lay the note
lay the track
lay the wood
lay tube
lay with her feet uppermost
lay with the moon
lay your cane in a dusty corner
lawyer up
lay in state
lay a cable
lay a fart
lay cable
lay down
lay eyes on
lay it on the line
lay it out
lay language
lay off with
lay one's eyes on
lay outlay pipe
lay shaft
lay some pipe
lay somebody
lay the hip
lay the leg
lay the lip
lay the log
lay the note
lay the track
lay the wood
lay tube
lay with her feet uppermost
lay with the moon
lay your cane in a dusty corner