Swingout & 2-Step (Swing'out' & 2-Step, n.)


Swingout & 2-Step (Swing'out' & 2-Step, n.) rate
(Noun) (1). A dance to basic steps Back, Back, One-two, One-two moving in any directions executing multiple smooth showmanship moves away from and with dance partner at medium or s-l-o-w-e-r beats. (2). the number 1 African American Cultural Dance native or popular to TEXAS such as Houston, Dallas, Beaumont, Austin, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Port Arthur, Woodlands, etc (3). easy to learn, do a little footwork and some fancy turns. (4). 2-Step same dance and steps to a different beat. (5). No 2 Houston Swingout & 2-Steppers dance alike, they have the same basic steps, followed by their own individual styles. (6). roots are trace to the African community.
Usage: Lee Mr Smooth and Ms Fanci` Dancer are Instructors in the Art of Houston Swingout & 2-Step.

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