
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) People Opposed to Paddling Students
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Periodically Oscillating Plasma Sphere
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Polar Ocean Profiling System
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Parachutists Over Phorty Society
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Performance-Optimized Process Systems
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Performance Optimized Production Station
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Performance Optimized Production Systems
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Point-Of-Purchase-Services
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Portable Organ Preservation System
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Pre-Optometry Professional Society
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Primary Oceanographic Prediction System
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Problem-Oriented Public Safety
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Parents Organized for Pupil Success
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Partnership Online Proposal System
POPS rate
(Abbreviation) Partnerships Online Proposal System

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